Travel and Adventure 2015: Contributors

Michigan BLUE Magazine: Travel & Adventure Issue

We were attending the Pentwater Historical Society Spring Dinner when a member excitedly (shared) she had just read her (2015 SUMMER edition of BLUE) and seen the article about Pentwater’s sand sculpting contest with our family’s picture (“Enchantments in the Sand” by Lauren Carlson, page 24). We were elated! We and our children and grandchildren are very honored about being part of your magazine which highlighted our beloved Pentwater. It is time we subscribe so we can enjoy all the highlights of Michigan you so interestingly feature. We do love our BLUE lakestyle!

— Ray and Sherry Kloostra, Pentwater

Cindy La FerleCindy La Ferle

At home in St. Joseph and Royal Oak, this award-winning journalist and author, gardener and artist writes for regional and national publications. Her passion for home and family, shared for 14 years through a Sunday column in The Daily Tribune, is also reflected in her newest book, “Writing Home” ( 

Mardi LinkMardi Jo Link

This edition’s “State of Mine” contributor is a Heartland bestselling author of the critically acclaimed memoir “Bootstrapper,” which won the Great Lakes, Great Reads Booksellers’ Choice Award and the Michigan Notable Book Award, as well as “When Evil Came to Good Hart” and “Isadore’s Secret.” She resides in Northern Michigan (

Jon OsbornJon Osborn

Grateful to live and write in a region with so many outdoor opportunities, the Holland-based author of “Classic Michigan Flies — 16 Legendary Patterns” ( can be found with bird dogs afield or in a northern trout stream when he isn’t chasing after his kids.


Johnny QuirinJohnny Quirin

A prolific photographer based in Grand Haven, Johnny is a frequent contributor to West Michigan publications, the Pure Michigan campaign, Midwest Living and Spectrum Health, among others. He keeps equally busy as owner of a full-service school and youth sports portrait company (

We welcome letters to the editor. Please send letters in care of: Editor, Michigan BLUE Magazine, 549 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 201, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, or e-mail to Letters may be edited for reasons of clarity and space. 

Correction: On page 35 in BLUE SUMMER 2015’s “Beyond the Page” feature, Outdoor Book Club founder Jill Hinton is misquoted as noting that Isle Royale “gets the same number of visitors as Yellowstone.” Michigan’s only national park receives as many visitors in one year as Yellowstone National Park does in one day. We apologize for our error.

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