Home Features


Take it Easy

Get your fall color fix at the Sunrise Side’s inviting Lake Huron state parks and beyond

Modern-Day Makeover

A stunning transformation gives a dated vacation home in Bay Harbor a new identity

Tunnels of Trees

Follow Michigan’s evolving fall palette on these 10 scenic drives

Where Form Meets Function

Located on the shores of Spring Lake, this contemporary home makes a striking statement from all angles

Top Nature Hikes

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Michigan’s water wonderland along these stellar trails

Shoreline Surprises

For summertime thrills, indulge in a bevy of outdoor adventures throughout the state’s southwest region

Beach House Makeover

Unexpected leaks required a change of plans; the result is an inviting home with natural appeal

Creative Flipping

Burgers, a summer staple, don’t have to be traditional

The View

Celebrated architect Lou DesRosiers designed his Leland-area home to showcase a splendid panoramic vista

For Fun, Rent a Pontoon

A 40-plus-mile voyage takes boaters through Michigan’s longest connected chain of lakes, which stretches nearly across the state’s northern tip

