Splashing for Cash

In January, February and March of 2014, nearly 30 events across the state are set to benefit one of Michigan’s largest charitable organizations.
Photography courtesy Special Olympics Michigan

Only the hardiest of Midwestern souls would immerse themselves by choice into the frigid winter waters of ice-covered lakes, ponds and rivers — or those propelled by hearts of gold. Both show up ready to make a splash across the state every year in support of Special Olympics Michigan.

“We appreciate the hundreds of people who take on the challenge of plunging to raise money for children and adults with intellectual disabilities — people who face challenges every day of their lives,” says Kimberly Purdy, chief marketing and development officer for SOMi. “Michiganders love their water sports and their winter sports. Polar Plunges pair both to provide sports opportunities for athletes with intellectual disabilities.”

In 2014, nearly 30 events across the state set to benefit one of Michigan’s largest charitable organizations between early January and mid-March will host costumed jumpers. Last year’s collective contributions generated more than one million dollars.

For more information about the Special Olympics of Michigan and its various programs, including the Polar Plunge events, visit somi.org.

The annual Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) Polar Plunge series is known for its zany costumes and courageous participants. After raising funds, these participants dress up in costume and plunge for a good cause: to help support year-round sports training and athletic competition for more than 19,600 children and adults with intellectual disabilities in Michigan. These plunges take place January, February and March throughout the state. For dates and details, visit firstgiving.com/polarplunge.

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