Field Notes: Spring 2022

Exploring Michigan: Tips, trends, and tidbits // Photo courtesy of Warren Dunes State Park/New Buffalo Explored
Warren Dunes State Park in southwest Michigan sparkles with three miles of pristine Lake Michigan shoreline. It’s one of seven dune hikes featured in Sky, Sand & Surf.

FEATHER FRIENDS: The Great Lakes section of the Audubon website features expanded resources for those interested in learning more about birding in Michigan. It showcases stories sure to inspire bird-watchers, and includes photo galleries, events, bird guides, a look at specific birds of interest, and lists of sites around the Great Lakes where you’re likely to spot numerous kinds of birds. There’s something for every level of birding enthusiast.

ON THE RUN: A February ruling by a California federal court returned gray wolves, including those in Michigan, to the federal list of endangered species. Gray wolves previously were removed from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife in the lower 48 states in 2021. The Michigan DNR supported that move at the time because the state’s wolf population had, for years, surpassed federal and state goals for recovery. As a result of the new ruling, two Michigan laws governing the ability to kill wolves preying on livestock, pets, and hunting dogs were suspended. Michigan wolves remain a protected game species and it’s illegal to kill a wolf.

NATURE TALES: The Michigan DNR’s “Wildtalk” podcast, available on the first of every month, spotlights guests talking about wildlife habitat efforts around the state, wildlife species updates, listener questions, and a wildlife quiz. The program is available on Apple and Google podcasts.

– Compiled by Ron Garbinski

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